Jellycat Bunnies MEDIUM, soft cuddly bunny toys in various colours. Huggable yet portable, medium Jellycats are the ideal size for toddlers on the go. Sitting at 25cm this little guy is the perfect comfort-companion to share a stroller with or snuggle up to for a car-ride nap. Suitable from birth and loved to infinity.
Various Colours.
Bashful Blossom Sage - he loves to play in the herb garden. Marvellously minty, this furry friend sports a cotton posy pattern in their ears and on their paw pads. Soft as ice cream and just as scrumptious.
Bashful Lilac - is very attentive, she tilts her head to hear all the best tales and readies her yummy soft purply ears. A delightful lassie in flower bright fur she wants to go everywhere, paw in paw. And when she's tired she will sit sweetly ready for another bedtime story.
Bashful Sparklet is sliding in on a moonbeam, she is dreamy-soft in soothing sage fur. This beautiful bunny has long flopsy ears speckled with silvery stars. Cuddle close for enchanted slumbers and nuzzles from that suedey pink nose. Make a wish together.