Diaries from Affirmations - 2025 range. Twigseeds, Bee and Floral designs
The Affirmations Floral Diary is back with a brand new look for 2025. Featuring stunning macro floral photography designed to inspire and celebrate you. Fill this gorgeous Diary with handwritten notes, your intentions and hopes and let the soothing colours and inspiring quotes wash over you. Includes a theme for each month, affirmations throughout and tips for leading a beautiful and fulfilling life.
The Affirmations Bee Diary is back with a brand new look for 2025. Find out what all the buzz is about with the popular and sweet Bee diary. Brimming with gorgeous illustrations and photography, loads of useful info about our fuzzy little friends and inspiring quotes to top it all off.
The Affirmations Twigseeds Diary is back with a brand new look for 2025. This calendar is a masterpiece of smiles, love, gratitude and whimsy. It features gorgeous watercolour illustrations by Australian artist Kate Knapp - which are so lovely you might just want to keep them well after 2025.